Editorial Beauties: Page 1: Great Expectations


GraphicDesign& is a publishing editorial that has strong roots in carefully thought graphic design and a passion for typographic work. Their first release, Page 1: Great Expectations is the beautiful debut piece of the studio, one that brings together the work of 70 artists throughout the world. The motive that brings all of them together? The first page of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, a text chosen in part because it directly references lettering as Pip searches for clues about his family from the letterforms inscribed on their tombstone. So in other words, an entire book dedicated to the very first page of a novel.

So the result of this experiment is an eclectic book that not only is beautifully constructed, but one that also gives a reflection on how important design is behind a certain text. The different interpretations or ways of approaching the same brief are a simple example of how important typographic layout is when it comes to bringing character to them. As themselves put it: Page 1 is not just a book for graphic designers, it reveals the power typography has to influence and affect the way we all interpret a text. Many readers will be surprised by the attention to detail and level of engagement with the narrative on display. On top of all of this, the book is being printed in best quality, which you can pre-order here.


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