3D Logo Makers

Superman 3D LogoWe are Professional 3D Logo Makers

Over 30 Years of design Experience is at your Service

If you're looking to take your brand's visibility and impact to the next level, we can help. Our team 3d logo makers has been creating 3D logos with unparalleled quality for 25+ years - far surpassing our competitors in terms of innovation and creativity. We don't just design logos that look good; they also make an unforgettable statement about who you are as a business, stimulating curiosity among potential customers along the way. With these powerful visuals at your disposal, it will be easier than ever before to bring new life into marketing materials of all sizes whether online or offline – from webpages & social media accounts right through TV adverts & billboards! So why not contact us today and get started on taking those first steps towards propelling companies image above the competition?


  • Show us your logo to get a quote

To receive a quote for your project, we need to see your logo first so we can estimate how much work there is to do. You can email your logo to sales@pixellogo.com


  • How much does it cost?

$250 is the starting price of a 3d logo, depending on the complexity of the logo and how much work there is to do, the price might go a little higher.


  • Let's Discuss design ideas

We'd love to hear your input and understand what you would like to see. We can have quick chat over the phone if you like and discuss ideas. 


  • Receive samples for approval

We need 2 to 5 days to create samples for your review. We don't have a limit on revisions, we make sure you are happy with the final result. 


Benefits of 3D Logos

Elevate Your Brand with our 3D Logo Makers


  • Stronger Impression

Stand out from the crowd with a unique 3D logo

  • Increase Brand Curiosity

Attract more attention with a visually striking 3D logo

  • Deeper Brand Recognition

Make a lasting impression with a memorable 3D logo




NVA 3D logo Project - Online 3D Logo Maker

National Volleyball Association 3D logo Making Project

The Objective of this project was to make the logo 3D and bring more life to the logo without losing the original lines and design of the logo. The Size of the depth of the 3d extrusion was very important to get the design just right, we kept shadows very delicate so the white background is not lost, the reflections were applied just the right amount to not distract the design from the shiny look.


Premier Computing logo with 3D logo Maker

Premier computing 3d logo Making Project

This project started as a 2D flat logo project with the possibility of creating a 3D version if the customer chose to. The client Initially was looking for a 3D logo but after some discussion and understanding what their needs were, we suggested in creating a flat version first and then create a 3D logo. In the example below we have the flat logo and 3D version to show the project progression. Creating a 3d version was not a simple task, our 3D logo maker was not quite up to task so we created the preliminary 3D logo in 3D logo maker and then re created the logo in Vector format. This might not work in all design projects, but worked for this logo project.


ROI Logo with 3D logo Maker

ROI logo 3d making project

ROI logo was not designed by pixellogo. The line art on the left was their existing logo and the client wanted to explore the idea of making their logo in 3D. We had to adjust some of the original logo designs to have the 3D logo lines flow better. The line had to be continuous to mimic the original logo concept. The obvious choice was to have a tubular 3D look in one continuous metal chrome. The final effect worked out great as shown above.


Diversified Logo with 3D logo Maker

Diversified 3D logo maker design 

This project was brought to us by Stephen VanDruff of Diversified Contractors. The idea for the logo was presented to us as a rough sketch, we took Stephens concept and created several options of Vector flat logo, the final design was the one shown in white. Once we had a solid base for the logo, our 3D logo creator created the 3D version, we explored different lighting and textures before settling on the 3D logo shown here.


Empyreal Visuals logo by 3D logo Makers

Empyreal Visuals 3D logo Making project.

Empyreal Visuals is Movie and video production company based in Tel Aviv, Israel. We worked with David's sketches to create a clean and balance black and white version of the logo first, once we finalized and had the design approved, we started exploring 3D logo options. The logo by itself did not have too many interesting angles to make a good 3D logo, so we added additional bevel to the face of the logo to give more interesting lighting and texturing shapes for more dramatic look, the final 3D logo shown above is the final result.


Sundyne logo 3D by 3D logo maker

Sundyne logo with 3D logo making project

Sundyne 3d logo project was a challenging one because the client wanted the name in 3D too. Making the name in 3D is never as simple as it seems, when a logo is created in 3D, there are lots of new details like highlight, shadows and reflections that need to be considered and carefully created so the final artwork is still legible and not just an art project. The letters being so close created even more difficulties but after hours of playing with lighting we managed to create a good balance with the 3D effect as shown here in the final result.


Tanktech 3D logo with 3D logo Maker

TankTech logo design and 3d logo Visualization

Tanktech is an Oil Tank Removal Company that needed a complete 3d logo design online. Instead of a literal illustration of a heavy duty machinery removing tanks from underground, we suggested and designed more of a conceptual one. Companies in this type of industry do understand what it is all about. We designed a custom type to reflect industrial heavy duty work the company does and made sure the logo stands on its own. The geometric shapes, bold lines are all part of the idea to make the look of the company just right. Once the customer approved the final design, we made the logo in 3D. We showed few textures option that works well with industrial look. The chrome 3D logo version was selected by the client.


3D Balloon Type Text - Great Joy 3D logo effect | Pixellogo

Great Joy 3D Logo Making Project

Great Joy is a company that offers Party rentals large inflatable jumping castles and etc. The client was looking for an fun way to showcase their business and show joy in the logo without creating an additional icon which would limit their range of services, so we made the letters into 3D balloons like effect. Although we don't always recommend making company name in 3D, but in this case it was more than appropriate to create this logo in 3D.


3D Logo maker before and After

RAS 3D logo Effect Project

This is a good example of how we can transform a flat logo to a 3d logo and give it a new life. Since Rolls Auto deals with automotive industry, we wanted to recreate the logo like a car emblem. We added a chrome border around the logo to frame the logo nicely and give it a nice finish, the flat behind the RAS is raised to give a subtle yet effective 3D logo look. We lite the whole logo as a high end product in a studio lighting. The final result made overall logo effect like a standard of quality, elevated the image of the company.


TA2's BBQ 3D Logo Project

TA2's Logo was provided to us by the client. We were asked to create an exciting 3D version of the logo so it could be wrapped on Trucks, kiosks and use as signage. We wanted to make sure to capture the essence of the business and showcase it in the logo. We adjusted the artwork a little and added a few key elements such as brick wall and a ring to bring the whole logo together, and this is the final result.



3D Logo Makers FAQ

Do 3D Logos Print Sharp?

Absolutely, they print as good as you as can see in our catalog. We provide high resolution files. If you like extremely high resolution files for billboard prints, please make sure to specify in the beginning of the project and we'd be happy to accommodate. 

What are the Pros and Cons of 3D logos

Pros: 3D logos look great in any application, from web to printing on brochures to billboards and any type multimedia use, the logo will look impressive and enhance the companies image and identity. 

Cons: 3D logos do not come in vector format. 3D logos cannot be imbroidered and printed well on t-shirts, for these types of jobs we do offer our services simplifying the 3d logo to 1 or 2 colors vector format

How much does making a 3D logo cost?

Since not all logos have the same detail and amount of work involved, there is no way to have one cost for all logos. If you are interested in getting a quote, please show us your logo by either providing a web address where we can see the logo, or by sending it to use directly by email. Once we have a look and understand the job, we will give you a quote. On average Making a logo 3D prices start around $250 and up.

What formats do you provide final files in?

3D files are provided in High Resolution Photoshop layer format with transparent background, we provide the resolution high enough for the logo be resized to any size. If you will be using the logo for billboard and need extreme large format, please specify it in the beginning of the project.

Can you Animate our logo?

Yes we can, whether you are looking for a black and white Gif for web or 4K Resolution for video or movie, we are quipped to produce any type of logo animation. If you are interested, lets talk.



This is an excellent question and not at all surprising, especially for a business that already has a popular logo. The simple answer to this question is while you might not need a 3D logo today, it is something that you will require sooner or later. This is because the online market has changed dramatically in the last few years, requiring one to invest in innovative solutions to attract their customers' attention. And a 3D logo is just one of many ways a brand can do that.

Now making a 3D logo might seem like a simple enough task, especially with hundreds of tools that are available online, both free and paid, that can assist one in their quest. But regardless of the time and effort, one puts into it; the result would not come close to what a professional 3d logo maker company can offer. And do you really want a sub-par result for your 3d logo needs? That is why it would be best for one to hire a professional 3D logo maker company.