Globe logos
Globe logos
When it comes to Global logos, wireframe globe logos or globes with world map have been designed to death, and it is one of the most common logo graphic used throughout the years. The globe logo symbol is packed with lots of information that companies would like to convert to their client based. Being an international company is the first and foremost the strongest message that they would like to send to their customers. Even companies with no offices internationally or any ties around the world like to use globe logos, why? simplest answer is to show that they are a Competent, Big Company, an International company. Of course the ultimate goal for most companies to grow big, and whats bigger than being an international company. Here are some of the companies that use Global logos with the right message, Shipping companies, Travel Agencies, Airlines, Communication, International trading companies, Importers and exporters, any corporation with interactional standing with offices or ties around the world, Political Offices and representatives, and the list goes on. With the introduction of internet, global logos have become even more ubiquitous, if your business does business internationally or have any partnership with another company around the world, you are qualified to use globe logo to represent your company.
The issue with global logos is originality; it's not the easiest icon to do when the globe logo has been drawn in almost every way possible. Its how they are drawn and designed is what makes them stand out. Trying to design for a corporation is almost an impossible task, especially if the company has global popularity. Most corporations do away with a global logo and just use a wordmark which we think works better.
We also have designed an extensive Collection of 3D globe logos. Globe logos for international trade or shipping work out best with a world map on the logo. We have set out to design with simplified 3D globe logos also detailed one. For communication industry, we have design wireframe 3D globe logo that look great.