Logo Repair

Logo Repair - pixellogo

Does your logo need a fresh updated look?

Let us help. All logos in time start looking outdated. Trends and styles change so it might be a good idea to dapt to make your identity to a fresh contemporary look. Some of the largest corporations go through redesign to keep looking fresh, some subtle and some drastic, depending on the new vision and direction of the company, logos need to keep up with the companies image with new services and products they offer. If you like to find out how we can improve your design image and bring it to up to date, contact us, show us your design and explain the issues you are having with your logo. We will study, asses and give you our feedback, suggestions and if you like solutions. To get a feedback and quoate please contact us.


Extensive Logo Customization

If you need extensive design changes to the logo, like changing the actual shape of the logo, combine 2 logos together and/or any other ideas that you might have, we can do them too, please contact us with the logo number and the changes you would like to have done and ask for a quote. We’ll get back to you with our feedback, price and time frame.