Old school crafts: calligraphy love

Graphic design reviews Videos

With the incredible amount of design software and new digital techniques available, many of the traditional methods of graphic design have been neglected in favour of the modern facilities. It doesn't mean in any way that one way is better than the other, it's just nice to see that the old school ways haven't been forgotten and can still measure up to the new standards of great design.

Here are some videos of beautiful calligraphy, it's really amazing the great craft behind this pieces, and that they're all hand-drawn is really mesmerizing. A little tribute to the incredible talent of these artists.


From their website:

The fairly new art of Graffiti and its somewhat rigid rules prompt us to look further back into the history of writing. This is exactly what Niels Shoe Meulman has been doing since his teens, and at the beginning of this century he started combining the two. Thus resulting in Calligraffiti: traditional handwriting with a metropolitan attitude.


Luca Barcellona is a graphic designer and calligrapher from Milan, Italy. He has some amazing work up in his flickr website, and here's an example of the amazing work he does.

Carhartt Live Performance n.1 - London from Luca Barcellona on Vimeo.


Featured image credit: Luca Barcellona

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