10 Amazing iPhone Wallpapers by Guilherme Marconi

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Guilherme Marconi is a Brazilian designer who has created some stunning design work for companies like Absolut Vodka, Vodafone, Havaianas Brasil, Itau, and many more. This collection of iPhone wallpapers shows Marconi's incredible eye for color and form. When discussing his creative process, Marconi sums it up simply:

"First I come up with the theme I’m going to work on and make a little sketch in my head… after that, I start drawing all things that will be inside my composition, I sketch about 12 illustrations, then I generate 4 or 5 color variations of each element and begin the process of duplication, scaling, moving, until I reach the result I like. Then I export the image from my vector software and start painting shadows and light effects. That’s basically it."

We hope you enjoy these stunning iPhone wallpapers, a collection of unique and colorful digital art pieces, originally collected by our friends at Abduzeedo.

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Also, be sure to check out Guilherme Marconi's "My Schizophrenic Brain" - his latest art project. It's incredible!

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