Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — designer showcase

Designer Showcase: Walter Landor

designer showcase logo logo design logos

Walter Landor is a brand design legend and he is the founder of the one of the world’s leading brand agencies – Landor Associates. Born in Germany, Walter Landor transformed how we look at brands and the customer that brands are trying to reach. He was a true pioneer in the graphic design industry as he was the first to emphasize the importance of storytelling in brand development. He believed...

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Designer Showcase: Chermayeff and Geismar

designer showcase logo design logos

Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar began their world-famous partnership in the 50s and they have remained a very strong dynamic duo ever since. They are two of the world’s leading graphic designers that have helped to shape the design industry over the last half century. 

Perhaps their first foray into the limelight was in the 1960 when this dynamic team created a new and shocking logo for Chase...

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Designer Showcase: Paul Rand (1914–1996)

designer showcase logo design

Paul Rand is arguably the most famous designer in the last century. He contributed designs and insight into the design industry that revolutionized and changed the design industry forever. Paul Ran would have been 100 years old on August 15th. In celebration of his birthday (albeit a little late), I thought that I would take a minute today to showcase some of his talents and contributions. 


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