Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — logo template

5 Ways to Personalize a Logo Template

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5 Ways to Personalize a Logo Template

Logo templates are designed to look at their best when they are displayed in a catalog, but that does not mean you should use it just as its displayed. No, we are not talking about customizing just the company name. The name change is the most obvious aspect of the design. You still need to personalize it with your taste and knowledge to make it unique to your company.

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Automation AI Technology and Design Industry Limitations

AI automation logo design logo template Technology

Automation AI Technology and Design Industry Limitations

Automation or AI technology (artificial Intelligence) has been affecting all industries these days and some with better results than others, nevertheless the new wave of automated solutions is here, but it's not all exciting news. McKinsey Global Institute has released a report that by 2030 nearly thirty percent of jobs done around the world, can be automated. That's almost 375 million jobs that could be affected.

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