Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Fashion logo templates

Maria Salinas corporate identity solution

Design & Style Fashion logo templates Interior design Logo & Brand review

Here is a truly wonderfully design corporate identity, expressing luxury with minimal design, it proves again, more is not always more. It looks timeless and refined. The gold is not the reason it looks luxurious, it much more than that, the shaped that are used are as basic as they come, the type comes with only its minimum line requirements, but the final...

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Top 10 high-end Fashion Logos

Fashion logo templates Logo & Brand review

What makes a good fashion logo design? A fashion logo or any logo design for that matter, is used as an identifying symbol for a company. A good fashion logois distinctive and it helps the consumer to distinguish one fashion brand from another. Effective fashion logos need to be simple, recognizable, timeless and versatile. Over the last century, several successful...

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Pixellogo News: Year End Sale!

Abstract logo templates Business Card Designs Fashion logo templates Logo Templates New logo releases Press Release Sports logo templates Stationery templates

We got some great news for you here at Pixellogo: we're having our Year End Sale that starts off today, everything in our catalog with 20% off! It's the perfect time to stock up on great designs. Our catalog abounds with exclusive and non-exclusive logo designs, business card templates and stationary designs. All of our catalog's products are on sale, as well as custom projects that you can...

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fashion logo templates

Fashion logo templates

It's the end of Montreal Fashion week here in our fair city and I must say this year's was a very good one. Even though there was some fair amount of eccentricity, which in itself was very entertaining!

I was very interested in the Dimitri Chris men's collection but then you literally couldn't see anything from the collection on the runway! Why? Well, the entire show was done in a lightning...

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