Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Videos

Typographic Love: Putting Back the Face into Typeface


Here's an amazing video that every designer interested in typography should watch. It features Erik Spiekermann, German typographer, graphic designer and businessman who gives some insight into his work process, inspirations and creativeness. It's very interesting to watch and it gives a particular perspective of the design method, how the final form comes to life and how to approach it. A...

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Typographic Love: "I Can't Draw Animals"


Some of you may be familiar with those old TV shows (I'm guessing there were more than one version in the world) where a presenter would talk about animals while drawing them on white paper with a black marker. At least in my case, that was one of my favorite kind of shows, as the drawing skills of the presenter were pretty impressive with also adding some teaching in there- what could be...

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Cool Findings: Drinkable Words!

Design & Style Videos

Oh what a cool treat this little gadget would be for typography enthusiasts and others alike- a perfect combination of words, cool industrial design and drinking! This typewriter styled artifact is actually a drink mixer that transforms words you type into drinks- you can literally type your own cocktails. The mastermind behind it is Morskoboi, and what started as a funny idea ended up...

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Cool Findings: Mysteries of Vernacular


Mysteries of Vernacular is a very cool project created by the folks at Myriapodthat aims to present some background info and curious findings about certain words of each letter of the alphabet. These videos present in the form of a book the story and some related facts about different words; so far we can see the title about pants, clue and assassin as the rest of the letters will be...

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Beautiful Branding: Know Canada

Design & Style Videos

As a way to commemorate Canada's 145th birthday Studio 360 in collaboration with Bruce Mau Designhave created a campaign that focuses on breaking the old cliches that surround everything Canadian. Studio 360 is an arts and culture radio program that has a famous segment called Redesign, which invites to present a new approach to very diverse elements; this time is Canada's...

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