Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — typography

Material Behaviour Typography by Thomas Wirtz

3d 3d print typography

Material Behaviour Typography by Thomas Wirtz

Typography Experiment Here is a very interesting collection of experimental typography by various organic materials created by Thomas Wirtz. To fully appreciate the effects and process we recommend watching the video, this is a truly wonderful work. The 3D model is created by a 3d Printer first, which sets the stage to have this beautiful experiments to take place. The contrast between the model and the organic materials or effects, create a subtle yet very effective visual impression especially in motion.            

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4 Tricks for Choosing the Right Typeface for you Logo

fonts graphic design graphic design tips logo logo design logo fonts logo tips logo tutorial logo typefaces logos tips & tricks tutorial typefaces typography

4 Tricks for Choosing the Right Typeface for you Logo

Choosing the right typeface for a logo is imperative. The typeface that you decide to use in a logo design can really make or break the whole design. A good logo is simple, memorable and eye-catching. Follow these 4 tips that will help you to better decide on which font to use in your next logo design project. 1. Don't go with your gut You can't choose a font for a logo based solely on the fact that you like it. Choosing the right typeface for a logo design needs to be properly considered. It is not simply liking a font and then, convincing your client to like it...

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