Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — logo animation

Benefits of Gif Animated logos

animated logos gif logo templates Logo animation

Benefits of Gif Animated logos

At its core, an effective logo is a mark used as a placeholder for your target audience’s mind. The purpose of a logo is to give your customers an image that they can easily remember and identify you by. We want our customers to see our logo and think of our company and we want it to compel our target audience to want to know more, right?

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Intro and loop logo Animations, whats the difference?

intro animation logo animation loop animation

Intro and loop logo Animations, whats the difference?

The beauty of a logo animation mostly comes from its imaginative story that it tells in a few seconds then all the special effects that squeezed in a few seconds. The special effects might impress us for the first and maybe a second time, but a funny, witty storyline makes us watch it over and over again without getting tired, just like your favorite movie or cartoon. We love to watch it all over again and stay tuned when we see our favorite show.

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10 Cool Animated Gif logos

animation gif logo logo animation

10 Cool Animated Gif logos

We are excited to launch our gif animated logo templates, although calling them templates might not be quite suitable for these files since customization on the animation is limited, these logos speak volume just as they are. Customers need to only add their company and save as a gif, and they are good to go.

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