Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — illustrator

Beautiful Zodiac Sign Illustrations

Andreas Preis illustration illustrator

Beautiful Zodiac Sign Illustrations

I am always searching the internet for new ideas and creations. Every now and then I discover something wonderful that I must share, The beautiful illustrations by Andreas Preis, a German artist of Zodiac Signs was one of these times. After seeing these illustrations I wanted to learn more about the artist.  Andreas Preis is an artist, designer and illustrator who works and lives in Berlin, Germany. He had wanted to become a painter since he was 5 years old. He went to Georg-Simon-Ohm University where he studied communications design. He has many talents including illustrations, murals, tape art, paintings,...

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Tutorial: How to create a simple icon in Illustrator

icon illustrator tutorial

Tutorial: How to create a simple icon in Illustrator

Icons have become prolific in our society. They have become excellent tools in our fast-paced world for the quick communication of ideas. These little graphical representations allow us, the users, to instantly recognize a file, a program or an app. They are used on our mobile phones to represent apps and they are used all over the web to simplify websites making them more attractive and easier to navigate. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to design a basic icon. This basic tutorial will teach you how to use the rounded rectangle tool, how to add a simple gradient and...

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20 Top Lion Logos for small to medium businesses

animal customize logo Illustrator Lion lion logos Logo & Brand review rampart vector

20 Top Lion Logos for small to medium businesses

Lions are the kings of the animal kingdom. They are very strong and powerful animals that are continuously admired by humankind. Lions are also a very popular and trendy source of imagery used in logo design and many companies from around the world use lions in their logos. For example, Peugeot, MGM Grand, ING Bank, RBC bank, Saab and Löwenbräu beer all use...

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