Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Competitions

Industry News: Get Creative with Coca Cola's Logo


Here's a fun project: Blankyouverymuch is hosting this competition (although the website seems to be down at the moment) to get creative with Coca Cola's logo. After some misinterpreted released information, the contest consists of turning in a design that features the brand's logo in a dashing t-shirt that will be sold as a special edition along with the honor of winning and the...

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Logo Design News: UAE's New Logo Up For Voting

Competitions Industry News

Following the trend of open contestsfor national logos, the United Arab Emirates are holding their own campaign to choose their new identity. There are 5 proposals in competition which are going to be voted by the public. The brief of the project is to promote a unified identity of the UEA to be used locally and internationally, as a way to portray a strong visual identity. Unlike...

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Typographic Love: Florence and The Machine Lyrics Posters


MSN is holding a competition where artists, designers and the like can submit posters inspired in Florence and the Machinelyrics (if you're not familiar with their music you should get on it stat!). The concept is fairly simple and therefore the results vary in different styles. The typographic and graphic work in the pieces are brilliant, each one trying to make the best of the songs...

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Google's Logo Design Competition for Kids


Google's fourth annual Doodle 4 Google competition started up this week, and it is open to students from kindergarten through 12th grade in the United States. The young designer who submits the winning entry will earn a $15,000 scholarship and a $25,000 technology grant for his or her school.

“In the spirit of thinking big, our theme this year is ‘What I’d like to do someday…’—giving all of the...

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Pixellogo Sweepstakes: Win an Ipod Nano Multitouch!


Win an Ipod Nano from Pixellogo

Here at Pixellogo, we love, ABSOLUTELY love Christmas and since we think it's a great injustice that it comes on only once a year, we've decided to have our own Christmas once a month for the whole year!!!!

So, from now on we're going to hold the Pixellogo Sweepstakes at the start of each month where we are going to offer prizes to at least 5 lucky Facebook fans of Pixellogo and these prizes...

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