Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Freebies

6 Free Color Resources for Logo, Graphic and Web Designers

Freebies Industry News

Color is very important in every project. Designers use color to captivate their audience, convey emotions and establish associations. Color is often what attracts users to a design and it is a vital component in every design. Color excites us, stimulates us and draws in our eyes. Color is everywhere and it subtly moves us every day.

Designers are very aware of the power of color....

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Top 6 Free Email Apps for Android


Email has become the one of the most common forms of communication in our society. If you think about it, most of us spend a few hours each day checking, writing and sending emails from our smartphones. Email has become essential in business and it is very important that you use a good email app that saves you time and is easy to use. At the Google Play Store however, there are...

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17 Best Free Icons for Designers


Icons are small, but very important additions to any web-related project. Icons attract users and lend a very distinct aesthetic  to a design. They attract the attention of users and they are used most often by designers on websites and for apps. Icons are used to quickly and easily communicate with users. They can compliment a company's logoand bring together a...

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10 Free Psd Mockups for Showcasing Logos & Websites


Presentation is everything when it comes to showcasing your work. Whether you are showing off a new logo to a client or whether you are adding your latest works to your portfolio, how you present your work could make all the difference. When you are finished designing a logofor a client for example, do you really want your client to see his/her awesome new logo simply...

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Top 10 Sites for Design Freebies: Graphics, Fonts, Psds & More


The Internet is an invaluable resource these days to everyone and especially designers. Need a great font for your next logo design? Need a specific icon for your clients website? Before the Internet came around, designers used to have to create each and every individual element that they wanted to use in a design themselves. Can you imagine that? Today, with the Internet,...

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