Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — tutorial
5 Tips on How to Create a Vector 3D logos

Change 3d Logo Color and Text in Photoshop | Tutorial
color change customization gold how to modification photoshop PNG text change tips tricks tutorial video

4 Tricks for Choosing the Right Typeface for you Logo
fonts graphic design graphic design tips logo logo design logo fonts logo tips logo tutorial logo typefaces logos tips & tricks tutorial typefaces typography

Choosing the right typeface for a logo is imperative. The typeface that you decide to use in a logo design can really make or break the whole design. A good logo is simple, memorable and eye-catching. Follow these 4 tips that will help you to better decide on which font to use in your next logo design project. 1. Don't go with your gut You can't choose a font for a logo based solely on the fact that you like it. Choosing the right typeface for a logo design needs to be properly considered. It is not simply liking a font and then, convincing your client to like it...
Tutorial: How to create a simple icon in Illustrator

Icons have become prolific in our society. They have become excellent tools in our fast-paced world for the quick communication of ideas. These little graphical representations allow us, the users, to instantly recognize a file, a program or an app. They are used on our mobile phones to represent apps and they are used all over the web to simplify websites making them more attractive and easier to navigate. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to design a basic icon. This basic tutorial will teach you how to use the rounded rectangle tool, how to add a simple gradient and...