Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Videos

Logo Design: Thoughts on logos by a 5 year old girl


Adam Laddis a graphic designer that focuses mostly on logo design. His name became popular among the internet/design world when he created a couple of videos featuring his daughter's thoughts and perceptions on familiar logos. This approach has come as a breath of fresh air, as the opinion of a little girl could not be any 'purer' sort of speak- a vision on design that most of us adults have...

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Cool findings: Data Visualization of Bike Commuting in Hungary


Overpopulation, overbearing traffic and not so good public transportation have contributed to the expansion of bike commuting in a large number of cities around the world. Such is the case of Hungary's capital Budapest, a growing city that is quickly rising in popularity. Following the requisites of what a coolcity should be, Budapest locals have embraced biking as their go to...

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Beautiful Findings: the Camera Collection


With all the variety of digital cameras that are available today, sometimes we forget about where things come from, and the long road technology has taken to bring us all the products that we know today. Following the 8bit graphics trend, animator Antonio Vicentini has created alongside illustrator Billy Browna beautiful short animation of the evolution of cameras, from the early standing...

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Beautiful findings: Where things come from


Some people are lucky enough to have brilliant grandparents who can tell unbelievable stories and have an immense amount of knowledge of pretty much everything, the kind of wisdom that only age can give you. That's the case of Hardy Seiler, a German graphic designer who has a very particular aesthetic and great work under his arm. This project is part of his bachelor's program and it...

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Typographic love: Typophile Film Festival Opening Titles


Typophile is a community of type enthusiasts that covers everything on the topic. They've produced a series of Typophile Film Festivals, and although this opening title is a couple years old (it was released in 2009) it won't stop being amazing. It was made by a group of BYU students and faculty members, creating a fun video that appeals to all senses. It's really fun to watch, and is...

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