Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Videos

Olympic Athletes in Motion: Coded Animation


Athletes from all over the world are preparing for the London's Olympics that are just around the corner (it's almost April, seriously??), and not only sports' fans can be excited about them, art lovers can expect a little treat here and there; such huge event now overtakes the entire world's attention with both competitions and related cultural events. The impressive work of Quayola and Me...

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Beautiful videos: Symmetry


Everynone is a filmmaking team located in the redwood forest (as they state themselves) that has some really beautiful work in their website. Their topics range from simple concepts such as 'moments', 'laughs' and 'symmetry' and the videos are a mashup of different clips (either from youtube or self produced). The results are audiovisual collages that evoke the very essence of each...

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Universal Studios turns 100 and gets a makeover


Universal Studios turns a 100 this year and for that they're launching a new websiteto commemorate the date as well as various promotional events and participation on different film festivals. Their iconic initial sequence has received a makeover to keep it up with the times and current animation technologies (it was made by the folks behind the Lord of the Rings) without losing its classic...

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Viral Marketing for humanitarian purposes: Kony 2012


Ok, I might be going on a stretch here but important things should not be left out. At this point you may have heard already about Kony 2012 and if not, you should.

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Amazing findings: Snow Drawings


For us folks at the northern hemisphere winter is not entirely over yet and, although spring is probably what most people are longing for, there's still beauty amidst the cold. This is what Sonja Hinrichsenmust've thought of when coming up with these beautiful drawings in the snow. The freshly snow coated land is a perfect blank canvas and looks like a real piece of art with the walked on...

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