A new look for Virgin Atlantic

Logo & Brand review

I’ve always seen Virgin Atlantic Airlines as something different. From the first time that I saw the distinct Virgin Atlantic logo sail over my head, I’ve always thought of Virgin Atlantic as something new and contemporary that actively seeks to push the boundaries and conventions of our skies. Perhaps because of its association with the music industry, for me, Virgin Atlantic Airlines has always been a symbol of adventure, exploration and the unexpected.

Last month, Virgin Atlantic Airlines launched a new logo and their new look that will soon be brandishing our skies. Developed by the first-rate design agency, Johnson Banks, and in collaboration with Circus, Virgin Atlantic’s new logo will soon detail all of the company’s aircraft, signage and advertising. A new custom font has been chosen that will adorn both the sides and the bottom of their airplanes. The winglets of each airplane has also been changed to match the red of the airplanes tails, with the infamous Virgin script strategically placed on its inner side, in plain sight for any passenger looking out at the view. Virgin Atlantic has also chosen to use a highly reflective paint on all of their aircraft giving their fleet a more metallic look.

Here are the old and new Virgin Atlantic logos:

The old and new logos of Virgin Atlantic

Here are an image of an old Virgin Atlantic airplane:

Old Virgin Atlantic airplane

Here are two images of the new Virgin Atlantic airplanes:

New Virgin Atlantic airplane

New Virgin Atlantic airplanes belly shot

I think that the Senior Partner of Circus, Dilys Maltby, nailed it quite perfectly with his comment on the new corporate branding for Virgin Atlantic:

"Virgin Atlantic constantly challenges itself to see and do things differently and, through this piece of work, demonstrates its spirit of adventure and exploration."

I think that Virgin’s new identity is very youthful, modern and definitely far from being called anything conventional. I think that it does great justice to Virgin Atlantic’s dynamic nature while also portraying their drive for innovation and their desire to break the traditional rules of our skies. Most airlines have quite a corporate and insipid look. I feel like Virgin’s new branding clearly puts them ahead of the pack and allow them to easily stand out amongst the crowd.

I really like the custom font that is being used. I like that it is light-weight and that it showcases a refreshing lowercase style. I do however think that its placement on the side of the airplanes looks a little awkward. The letters are slightly cut by the windows of the airplane and I think that this could have been more careful considered.

Overall, I think that this design is quite clever. I love how the undercarriages of Virgin's airplanes now feature the new Virgin Atlantic logo. I think this is an excellent way to advertise to anyone looking up from the ground. I also love how the Virgin script is printed on the inside of the winglets for all passengers to see. I think these are both great examples of smart and innovative design. Perfectly suited for Virgin commitment to “constantly challenge itself to see and do things differently”.

What do you think?

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