Beautiful Branding: Bookworld

Design & Style Logo & Brand review

Here's a lovely branding process inspiration for you. Australian online book, music, and video retailer Bookworld is a very popular platform that competes head to head with Amazon because of their low prices and free shipping. Their main focus goes to Australian authors and artists and to match up their good reputation they recluted Interbrand Australia to redesign their brand and what a good job they did. They left their -although not bad- old logo behind in exchange of a youthful looking one that allows a lot more interaction with the rest of the brand's applications. This version focuses on the letter B, although used as a full figure with a little bookmark tale at the bottom that resembles the W. The resemblance to a book is the start line to the most striking part of the re-brand process: the use of colorful and minimalistic illustrations that refer to the wide variety of their products. It is also designed to open up in animation -much like a book- revealing the magical world within.

The general concept behind the identity focuses on the "Bookworld", trying to resolve the question of where the characters go once the books are closed. This is how the illustrations come in the way to represent just that, the imaginary world behind the book covers and the whereabouts of the characters.

This approach to the brand makes the online shop look more friendly and attractive, key concepts when it comes to bringing more costumers and positioning themselves as a renowned brand. It makes the bookstore memorable and their promotional campaign doesn't fall short from it. The illustrations that are used to portray the different book worlds are the most striking part in my opinion: beautiful characters revolving in different scenarios with very cool ambiances. It's a very creative branding project where you can just tell how much thoughtful work was put into it. It's consistent, attractive and most importantly it creates a visual continuity throughout their applications.

Their TV ads are a lot of fun and are able to engage the audience with their parade of characters and beautiful animations. Needless to say this identity is lovely and achieves to create an original and fun look which makes for an attractive brand.


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