Beautiful Branding: Reading is Fundamental

Design & Style

Reading Is Fundamental is a non profit organization that promotes the habit of reading among children. They decided to refresh their image by a complete re-branding that would be more adequate to their spirit. Mother New York was the agency behind this project and the results are a fun and vibrant brand that looks more appealing to their intended audience.

The new logo represents an open book containing the corporation's initials, continuing the 'open book' concept the old logo had but changing it up into a more fun logotype. They chose a rounded typeface that goes along the bold and round corners of the logo and illustrations, which are later introduced as various applications of its original form. A clash of vibrant colours play in favour of this playful look, making it stand out from the more formal style they previously used.

Different designers took on the task of creating different illustrations that reference the fun aspect of reading, showing a vast series of characters accompanying the open book logo. All the illustrations share the same basic style: the colours and bold strokes so they don't clash with the consistency of it all. Also the stationery applications are on point, they reflect the concepts the organization is trying to portray. Beautiful work indeed!

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