Book lovers: the most beautiful bookstores in the world

Design & Style

Since the beginning of the digital era the future of printed books has been questioned and thought to become eventually obsolete. Now with the e-readers and tablets and all sorts of gadgets that are competing with the printed media, the editorial production has to step up to the plate adding value to their production from other angles. For us the book lovers out there, bookstores are like the zen garden where one can get lost for hours and hours. So the folks at Flavorwire have come up with a list of the 20 most beautiful bookstores in the world. What else is there to say? Just that I have added a lot of places to visit in my bucket list.

Selexyz Bookstore, Maastricht, Holland

Plural Bookshop, Bratislava, Slovakia

Cook & Book, Brussels, Belgium

El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina


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