Illustrator vs. Photoshop for Logo Design | Check The Difference

Do you have any idea about Illustrator vs. Photoshop? Illustrator is an illustration software with different features that help you create vector artwork. For example, it can create icons, logos, banners, websites, social media images, animations, etc.

Further, Illustrator is a vector graphics editor for Mac, Windows, and Apple iOS. It can create and edit vector images, including shapes, text, symbols, and pictures.

On the other hand, Photoshop is one of the most powerful program packages for creating and editing digital images. It has been used for years by professionals in the graphic design industry to create print media such as posters, flyers, and advertisements. 

However, it is also used by many individuals and small businesses to create brochure templates, images for web pages, and other forms of print media.

Features of Illustrator

The following features are beneficial to me, and I hope they might be helpful for you too.

Create Layouts

With the ability to create layouts, you can design websites, print projects, etc.

Create Vector Graphics

Vector graphics are not just fancy. They are also more productive and faster to download than raster graphics. So, in short, vectors can look amazing on all screen sizes while providing you with better image quality than raster images.

Create Transparent PNGs

In Illustrator, you can make transparent PNGs without creating a new file first.

Create Collage Projects

You can easily combine different artworks into one.

Import AI Files

AI files are just like PSD files. So you can open them in tool directly.

Create Smart Guides

You can use smart guides to align artwork to each other.

Combine Objects

You can use groups and layers to keep the complexity manageable.

Edit Inline Graphics

If you are working with web graphics, you can edit those directly.

Adjustable Grid

When you use a grid, it helps you align artwork precisely and avoid messy overlapping.

Create Gradient Maps

With Illustrator, you can create gradient maps. It gives you more flexibility.

Create Patterns

You can quickly generate patterns for use in your projects.

Add Shapes

You can create shapes and use them for anything from text boxes to buttons.

Place Text

You can easily place text boxes and other objects.

Insert a Picture

You can insert a picture and change its size.

Create a Video

There is even a tool to record video directly in Illustrator.

Create a PDF

You can convert vector files directly to PDF.

Export to PNG

You can export vector files to any PNG, JPEG, or JPG format.

Combine Multiple Images

You can combine multiple images into one, so you only need to keep one file in your folder.

Use Templates

You can use templates that contain icons and other elements you often use to speed up the process.

Automate Processes

You can set up a sequence of actions that will run when you activate a command.

Change the Document Size

You can zoom in and out quickly, change the font, and much more.

Customize Keyboard Shortcuts

You can customize your keyboard shortcuts to save time.

Add Watermarks

You can watermark an object with a single click.

Create an Animated GIF

This tool allows you to create animated GIFs very quickly.


You can print almost any Illustrator document to paper, including

Features of Photoshop

There are the following features of photoshop.

Creating Layers

Layers allow you to add multiple layers of editing to your photo. For example, you can apply a layer of effects like the background layer or another filter on top of that layer.

  • You can apply effects like blur, vignette, sepia, and more. Each effect will add a new layer to your photo.
  • To create a new layer, press the New Layer button at the bottom of the layers disc.

Layers Panel

You'll see a layer icon when you're working on a photo. This icon shows that the image has been edited. When you first create a photo, it won't contain any layer icons.

Click this icon to open the layers panel.

It will now show all the layer icons you've created. You can toggle this panel with a TAB key or click the Layers button on the right.

More so, the layers panel provides you with the tools to view and manage the layers in your image. It includes the following tabs:

Layers: Here, you can pick the layers you need to edit. You can also move, remove or duplicate them.

Tools: Here, you can add various filters to your image. Filters are also known as Adjustments. They allow you to change how an image looks.

Brushes: Using brushes, you can add texture to the edges of your image. It is a crucial tool to add to your toolbox.

Effects: Here, you can add special effects such as Lens Flare and HDR to your photos.

Layers Panel Toolbar

Once you've created your first layer, you can use the tools in the toolbar to work on it.

Eraser Tool

In Photoshop, you have two types of erasers. One type is called the Magic Eraser. It lets you remove unwanted areas from the canvas. Another is the Brush Tool. This brush lets you quickly paint the areas you want to delete.

Healing Brush Tool

The Healing Brush Tool you'll use to remove minor imperfections in your photo. Using this tool is quite intuitive. If you select the area, you want to remove, hold down SHIFT and drag the brush over the area.

Free Transform

To quickly resize an image, you'll need to use this tool. You can freely resize the image by holding down CTRL while moving the handles on the right side.

Move Tool

Select the Move Tool and click where you want to shift the photo. It is very visceral and simple to use.

What's Better? Illustrator or Photoshop?

Well, that depends on your budget and how well you know your tools, but I'm going to assume you don't know anything about either app. So let's see the pros and cons of each.

Advantages of Illustrator

It's a vector app. That means you can zoom in infinitely and scale an object without losing its sharpness.

In addition, It has extensive color controls that will allow you to tweak your colors quickly.

It has an easy and visceral user port. Everything is easily identifiable, and you can simultaneously see all the things on the display.


A beginner might find Illustrator to be a bit difficult. It does take a little getting used to, but after some practice, you'll probably become an expert.

Advantages of Photoshop

Photoshop is mighty and versatile. It can do almost anything Illustrator can do, plus it's a raster image editing app which means you can manipulate photos.

Further, you can open any image file, and Photoshop is extremely fast. You can use your image editing skills in real-time, unlike Illustrator, where you need to save a new file each time you want to modify your logo.

It has many different styles, and you can create custom ones. More so, it's also an advanced editing program so you can fine-tune your image to the best of your ability.


You'll find it hard to find a beginner's tutorial for Photoshop. It's a bit more complicated than Illustrator. Also, Photoshop is not very intuitive. You’ll find a learning curve that demands some time to master.

For these reasons, I'd recommend using Illustrator first. You'll find it east to start up. Then, after you master your Illustrator skills, move on to Photoshop.


This article compares the differences between Illustrator and Photoshop for logo design. As well, discuss the pros and cons of each program and which one you should choose.


1. What is Illustrator, and how is it separate from Photoshop?

Illustrator is a drawing program that you can use to create logos. You'll use it to create simple logos, but you can also use it to generate tricky logos.

2. How can I use Illustrator to create a logo?

You can start with a blank canvas. Then, you can add lines, shapes, colors, and textures to make your logo.

3. What are some benefits of using Illustrator vs. Photoshop to generate icons?

Illustrator has many benefits over Photoshop. One of the enormous benefits is that Illustrator is free. 

Another benefit is that editing your logo in Illustrator is more accessible than Photoshop.

4. Can I use any vector program for logo design?

Yes, you can use any vector program to create logos.

5. Distinguish between a logo and a graphic designer?

A logo designer creates logos. A graphic designer creates logos, websites, and print materials.

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