Despite not being an American football fan myself I thought this project was well worth the mention. Matt McInerney is a graphic designer working for Pentagram that in his free time has taken up on the mission to update the logos of NFL's teams. The common themes in these logos revolve around animal mascots and lettering, a lot of them probably outdated and just plain cheesy. That's his main motivation behind his revamped logos, a fresh look that would fit more appropriately in today's visual standards (or to be fair, in the design world's aesthetics).

His approach to the redesign focuses on simplifying the existing logos and using simple geometric shapes and flat vibrant colors. Also he attaches a brief background or reference to each logo as a way to explain his design decisions, a helpful input regarding the process behind them. Overall it's a great project that hopefully will tackle all of the logos. So for NFL fans out there, what do you think of these new looks? Here are some of my favorites so far: