Motion & Design by Julien Vallée

Design & Style

Julien Vallée is hands-down one of my favourite designers coming out of Montreal right now. His work is cutting-edge, fresh and some of the most creative, inspirational and imaginative work that I have seen in a long time. Unassuming in stature, Julien Vallée is leading a new tactile design movement in Montreal. His tangible graphic works are awe-inspiring while his motion design is becoming even more formidable and impressive with time. He is a refreshing addition to Montreal’s bubbling design world and definitely one to watch in the next few years.

Julien Vallée seems to be everywhere these days. With a client list ranging from the acclaimed Computer Arts Magazine to MTV, Julien Vallée seems destined for success and the notoriety that he deserves. He has exhibited all around the world including exhibitions in Berlin, London and Shanghai. He has also lectured around the world, most recently at the trendsetting OFF Festival in Barcelona.

In an interview by Ziggy Nixon featured on Xymara, Julien Vallée says that “I think art, illustration and design can live and co-exist quite well together. I also think that it’s fantastic that we – designers I mean – have had, over the past few years, such a wide range of opportunities to create bridges between these fields. It opens up so many possibilities of using space and to work with such a wide range of different media.”

Julien Vallée is young designer that boasts a unique genre-blending style. His style is wild, explosive and vibrant. Julien Vallée drive to bridge as many disciplines as he can with his design is absolutely stunning and I for one, am genuinely excited to see where his combination of paper products, stop motion video and computer graphics takes us in the next decade.

Here are some examples of Julien Vallée’s work:

Computer Arts Projects Cover by Julien Vallée

MTV-ONE Julien Vallee

Raking leaves Julien Vallee

ARTV - ID from Julien Vallée on Vimeo.

Globo Logos from Julien Vallée on Vimeo.

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