Printing a Logo Design: Key Questions for the Printer


How to do you choose a printer?So, you’ve created a logo design or you’ve purchased a logo template from and now, you would like to have your logo design printed on your business cards and stationery designs. How do you choose a printer? What questions should you ask a printer before giving them your project to print? Sending a project to print can be very stressful and confusing. Many of our customers here at Pixellogo ask us these very same types of questions when it comes time for them to print the logo templates or business cards that they have purchased from us. Today, I am going to try to relieve some of the stress involved in the printing process. Here are a few tips that will help prepare you for your next printing journey.

How do you find a good printer?

Research is the key. Use all the tools at your disposal. Look for printers on the internet, in the yellow pages and you should even ask your friends and/or co-workers if they have ever worked with any printers and if they have any that they would recommend. I suggest that you talk to at least three printers before deciding on which printer will be in charge of printing your project. You should compare each printer’s reputation, pricing and the quality of his or her work. Ask each printer if they have any past customers that you can speak with. Make sure that you ask to see some sample of each printers work so that you can easily compare the quality of their printing. Don’t forget to also ask for a written quote from each of the printers.

What questions should you ask your printer?

There are a lot of questions that you should ask your printer before sending your project to print.

1. How much will the printing of your project cost?
This is obvious. You don’t want to have an surprises after your project has been printed.

2. How will your project be printed?
You should ask your printer whether they recommend digital or offset for printing your project? Will they be using CMYK or Pantone inks to print your project? Remember that digital printing is often the cheapest and fastest solution for small projects. Offset printing is best for larger projects that are not on a tight deadline.

If you need more help deciding if your project should be printed digitally or with offset, please visit our previous post, Printing tips: A list to help you decide if your project should be printed using digital or offset printing.

3. What paper will your project be printed on?
Ask your printer to show you the different papers that your project can be printed on and compare the prices of each. You might think that this is not a very important step however, it is. You will be surprised at how much the paper you choose can affect how professional your business cards or stationery designs are once printed. Choose wisely.

4. Can I see a proof?
Before sending your project for its full run, make sure that you get a proof from your printer. Check this proof over very carefully and if you see any mistakes, do not hesitate to ask for a 2nd proof.

You should also make sure that you and your printer completely understand each other before sending your project for its full run. Make sure that it is clear to both of you exactly how many copies are to be printed, which inks will be used, what price you agreed on and the date when your project will be ready.

5. When will my project be printed and how will I get it?
Make sure that you know when the printer will have your order ready. It is also important to find out if your printer will deliver your prints to you or if you have to pick them up.

Whether you receive your project by courier services or if you pick it up yourself, you should always check to make sure that your project is perfect before paying for it. Check to make sure that you are happy with the quality of the printing. Also, make sure that the printer printed the correct number of copies. Lastly, check to make sure that they printer printed on the type of paper stock that you agreed on.

Good luck!

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