Top 10 Best Movie & Film logos of All-time

Logo & Brand review

Are you a film buff? Do you absolutely love movies and do you watch them all the time? Movies and television plays such a huge role in popular culture. If you are a film buff, I am sure that you own more than a few t-shirts or posters with famous movie logos on them. Film logos are very recognizable and movie logos are very prolific throughout society. Here is a list of the Top 10 Best Movie logos of all-time. Which is your favorite?

The Godfather series is one of the most famous and loved movies by most men. The iconic Godfather logo depicts a puppeteer manipulating strings. This logo symbolizes how the Godfather is the one with absolute control. He holds the strings and he is the one that is all-powerful. I love this logo because it is simple yet unforgettable.

The Godfather Logo Design The Godfather Logo Design

Who is 007? I think everyone knows that the world famous secret agent, James Bond. He is the seventh agent with the license to kill. This logo is so poignant because it uses the admired 007 call sign and James Bond’s gun.

007 logo 007 - James Bond logo

I feel like I have known the batman logo from birth. Ha! No really though, This logo has been so prominent in my life that I simply remember always seeing it. The bat used in the logo obviously represents batman. Because the bats wings are out-spread, this logo is strong, menacing and threatening. The batman logo symbolizes bravery and heroism.

Batman logo design Batman logo design

Harry Potter
Although it is still relatively new, the Harry Potter logo is considered to be one of the most popular logos in the world. Millions of people follow these books and movies and Harry Potter merchandise has been sold worldwide. The Harry Potter logo uses a stylish wood texture that is combined with elements of folklore and mythology.

Harry Potter film logo Harry Potter film logo

Star Wars
The Star Wars logo is clean, simple and futuristic. The logo was designed with a custom-typeface in which the characters are outlined and set against a background of stars. It is a fantastic logo that will continue to be memorable for generations to come.

Star Wars logo Star Wars logo

When I see the 300 movie logo, I see blood and this movie is very bloody and gory. It is a movie that runs from one battle scene into the next and the logo is perfect to represent the bloodshed throughout this movie.

300 Movie logo 300 Movie logo

The Seven movie logo represents “Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die”. This movie logo is very sharp and thrilling. I like how the letters of the logo are hand-drawn in blood.

Se7en logo design Se7en logo design

Hunger Games
The Hunger Games logo uses a strong and bold typeface overlaid onto a mockingjay pin. The mockingjay pin is a poignant symbol in the Hunger Games and it symbolizes the revolution. The mockingjay symbol gives hope to anyone that faces adversity against their government. If you are interested in seeing some other animal-inspired logo designs, visit for their awesome and affordable logo collection.

Hunger Games Logo Hunger Games Logo

How do you come up with the perfect logo for a movie so complicated and involved as Inception? I feel like the directors did a great job in choosing a logo that uses a custom typeface inspired by a maze design.

Inception movie logo Inception movie logo

The Avengers
I really like the Avengers logo. I feel like it is sleek, stylish and very cool. I love how the ‘A’ logo is incorporated into the whole name ‘Avengers’. I think that this logo is an ideal logo for a superhero team.

The Avengers film logo The Avengers film logo

Sarah Williams

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