Typographic Love: Food Type

Design & Style

Experimental typography is apparently what's in right now. Nuria Bringué probably had that in mind when she created these very cool (edible?) characters out of different types of food, in a way to bring typography into the subject that's gonna be tackled. In this case Bringué had to design seven different covers for a book collection about healthy eating and she kept it simple by doing a creative twist on typography work. She carved the letters into different kinds of food, each one representing a different food group: dairy, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. By using the same font for the different words, she creates a continuity throughout the books, achieving a concise look for the collection. Also, keeping the same font as a base makes the produce pop up, making the textures and colors prevail over type. This approach is not only innovative but can also serve as inspiration for designing food menu templates, where the integration of food imagery and creative typography can enhance the visual appeal and thematic coherence of the menus.




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