Vintage style: Reading Propaganda


After the Great Depression in 1929 President Roosevelt launched a program to revitalize the US which included a series of measures to employ citizens in different fields for the development of the country. The program was called WPA, Works Progress Administration, and among its politics was the cultural development of the country. This can be seen in their propaganda, which encouraged citizens to pick up on reading starting march (interestingly appropriate for the date!); it was called: "In March, Read the Books You've Always Meant to Read"  The WPA also hired a considerable amount of artists that were in charge of the entire's program posters and different diffusion for the masses. And as with other vintage work the pieces are beautiful and I'm sure they were a great way to get the content out there.

So March just started and the message should be still valid today, therefore clear up an hour of your day, pick up a book, e-reader or the reading of your choice and go at it! It can be more entertaining than TV. And besides, wouldn't it be great if the current governments would endorse this type of politics again? Culture does not goes out of style, we might have forgotten a bit about that. You can find more interesting readings about the WPA and the Reading propaganda here and here.


Via Brainpickings

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