10 Beautiful Website Designs

Design & Style

Most of us spend hours trawling through the millions of pages on the internet every day. As a designer especially, this time is particularly valuable. It is a time that inspires me, motivates me and it allows me to keep up-to-date on the latest and greatest trends in design. Over the past few weeks, I have been compiling a short list of a few of the best websites that I have come across and today, I want to share a few of them with you. Here are a handful of truly impressive and amazing websites that I hope will spark your creativity, inspire you and push you to become a better designer.


Flywheel Design Website

Foundation Six

Foundation Six Website



Centro Raccolta Rifiuti

Centro raccolta rifiuti



Alessandro Giammaria

Alessandro Giammaria

Mike Poss

Mike Poss

Made by Water

Made by Water

Denise Chandler

Denise Chandler

Fantasy Cartography

Check out the Pixellogo website for other examples of beautiful website templates:


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