Adobe is one of those great companies out there that is constantly pushing the envelop, testing new ideas and reinventing the way that we interact with technology and our environment. The people at Adobe are ambitious, creative and inventive. The newly unveiled Document Cloud by Adobe is a testament to this fact. Adobe has done it again and this time with Document Cloud, they are reinventing how we handle our documents. Adobe Document Cloud (DC) is like a super-sized version of the Adobe Acrobat that we know now. With Abode DC, you will be able to edit, sign, send, and track documents on all of your devices. It comes packed with cool features including a new user-friendly interface, a design-your-own Tool panel and touch features. Awesome, right! But wait... that is not all. Adobe has also released two new mobile apps that are designed to work in tandem with Adobe DC. The Fill and Sign app lets users add signatures to their PDFs. Now, you will be able to sign your own documents and/or have others sign your documents on any device. Fantastic! This new feature is truly amazing and it will revolutionize how company's conduct business. The other new app is called Acrobat Mobile. It allows users to start a document on a tablet and to later work on it on their desktop or phone. This app is wonderful because let's be honest, most people own more than one device these days and being able to quickly access documents anywhere on any device is what everyone needs. This app also comes with an awesome new scanning feature that allows you to snap pictures and instantly turn them into editable pdf files. Acrobat Mobile is available for iOS, Android and Windows. Both of these apps will allow businesses to be more streamlined and run more efficiently.
Adobe has also announced that it is currently trying to integrate analytics with its pdf documents as well as the capability to add a digital certificate to documents in future. Adobe Acrobat DC, Acrobat Mobile and Fill & Sign will be available next month. If you would like to learn more industry news such as all things related to logos, graphic design and web design, check out more of the articles from this blog as well as our affiliate site, Enjoy! * All photos are courtesy of Adobe.
Adobe launches Document Cloud, Acrobat Mobile and Fill & Sign Apps
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