Amazing Findings: Classic Movies As Ottoman Miniatures

Design & Style

We all know that minimalistic interpretation of movie posters have been done ad infinitum, but here's an interesting twist: designer Murat Palta dedicated his thesis project to the study of how oriental art meets west. Now he has expanded his study to pop culture and for that he illustrated these amazing posters of movie classics in traditional Ottoman style, in the style of miniatures. The work behind each piece is stunning and the selection of the scenes for each film is on point. There's something in this art style that really works with these movies; it might be the mood it creates with the amount of details they use.


The Clockwork Orange



The main characteristics that define this style is the use of flat figures over a background without the use of perspective. The illustration style shows clear influences of Chinese art as well as the illuminations of the  early christian books and the drawings are mostly dynamic scenes where we can see a series of characters interacting with each other. Palta clearly channeled all these elements to create the illustrations, resulting in brilliant artwork.





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