Are you ready for 2012? A survival kit... just in case

Design & Style

Many theories of the world ending at the end of this year have been circulating for quite a while and whether you believe it or not the Mexican studio Menosunocerouno has created a basic needs survival kit that is also beautifully designed. With a bold look in bright yellow with black (for easy recognition) the small kit includes all necessities in case of a worldwide apocalypse.

They got all their bases covered and the item list includes the following:

1. Chocolate Abuelita ® : Dark chocolate laced with cinnamon and covered in sugar. With more than 70 years in the market, this classic delight will make you feel well under any circumstances.
2. Doméstica Yellow Notebook ® : A design classic from Monterrey. Tell the story, write like John, draw like el Bosco, or use it to start a fire.
3. Simple Knife ® : Clean affordable design, a minimal hunting tool for animals or zombies.
4. Emergency Black Matches ® : Start a fire, get warm, light your way with style. Black is beautiful.
5. Xtabentun D’aristi ® : Original Mayan liqueur from Casa D’aristi in Yucatan, one of our favorite brands of 2011. Celebrate like the old times!
6. Basic Water ® : Drink wisely, survive up to ten days with one liter.

All these elements come from Mexican manufacturers and specialties, like the Mayan liquor that is included probably for toasting to their un/fulfilled prophecy. So, are you ready for 2012? With this kit you just might get a chance of getting through the year!


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