Beautiful Branding: SPIEL

Design & Style Logo & Brand review

To keep up with some great branding inspiration for the week, here's a beautiful example of a playful identity that will keep you entertained. It's the case of the visual identity created for the Internationale Spieltage SPIEL, an international convention of everything games that gathers adults and children alike that was held this month in Essen, Germany. Stefan Zimmerman is the man behind the design and his aesthetic comes through nicely across the elements of the event.

Honoring the character of the event, the branding concept uses playfulness as its core. The logo is based on the pieces of Tangram, a Chinese puzzle-like game that consists of combining different geometric pieces to create various figures. The primary colors were the ones chosen for this brand, as a way to evoke the simplicity that's behind the idea. Also, the use of different pieces to compose the logo allows the permutation of it (a recent trend that we've seen a lot lately), reinforcing the idea of the "game" where it can be variable according to each application.

Interactivity also plays a big role in this identity, another approach to the concept of games, as many of its applications involve the transformation of the objects and making the holder of the products part of the game whether by building a paper cube or playing with the Tangram cutouts to compose different figures. All in all is a very creative branding process, as it channels perfectly the very core of the event combined with a very simple and modern graphic design behind it.




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