Create Facebook Cover in 5-Minutes: Photoshop Tutorial

Facebook page cover photo Photoshop (Tutorial)

Do you own a small business? Are you on Facebook? Is your Facebook page cover photo inviting, attention grabbing and intriguing? If not, what are you waiting for? Your Facebook page cover photo is the first thing that your customers see when they arrive on your Facebook page and it is a very powerful marketing tool that you should already be using. Your Facebook page cover photo should be creative, enticing and it should reflect your brand image. It is easy to set up and fun to create so what’s holding you back? If you are looking for some quick tips to help you set up your Facebook page cover photo and some tricks to help you make it amazing, this is the perfect blog post for you.

This article is going to be broken down into two parts. The first part and that which is to follow below will walk you through the technical side of setting up your Facebook page cover photo in Photoshop. Once you are comfortable with these basics, the second part of this article is where you’ll find all the really juicy details that will help to take your average Facebook page cover photo and convert it into one that really translates into sales for your business. We’ll outline the Facebook page cover photo best practices and we’ll let you in on some little known secrets and killer tips. Be sure to follow the link at the bottom of this article to part 2 of this post.

Part 1 – How to create a Facebook page cover photo using Photoshop

Step 1

Open up Photoshop. Select File -> New. Set the dimensions of your Facebook page cover photo to 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. Set the resolution to 72 and color mode to RGB Color. Click OK to open your working document.

New file Photoshop

Step 2

Choose a photo that you would like to use for your Facebook page cover photo.

Go to File -> Open and select this photo from your computer. Once it is selected, click Open.

New file open Photoshop

Step 3

Now you will need to resize your photo to fit into the Facebook page cover photo dimensions. To do so, you need to first unlock your image. You do this by going to your Layers Panel and dragging the lock into the trashcan. Once your photo layer is unlocked, select Edit > Free Transform. An adjustable bounding box will appear around the edges of your photo. Click and drag one of the corners of the bounding box to resize your image. By holding down the skift key as you drag, you constrain your image so that it resizes without stretching any proportions out of wack. Click and drag in the center of the bounding box if you want to reposition your image within the Facebook page cover photo parameters. When you are happy with what you see, press Enter.

Unlock layer in Photoshop

How to resize image with free transform in Photoshop

Step 4

Here is where the real fun begins. Now that the background and essence of your Facebook page cover photo is in place, it is up to you to get creative and turn your Facebook page cover photo into an attention grabbing masterpiece. You can add lines, shapes, text and more. It is completely up to you. The creative possibilities are truly endless!

When your all done designing, don’t forget to save your work. Go to File -> Save As… Select JPEG file format and click SAVE.

Expert tip: Remember that your profile picture will cover the bottom left corner of your cover photo and that there are also two buttons that cover up the bottom right corner. Design your Facebook page cover photo with this space in mind. We recommend that you don’t add any important content to these areaa of your Facebook page cover photo as they will be hidden.

Tutorial Facebook page cover photos

Now that you’re done… are you really happy with your new Facebook page cover photo? Want to learn how you can make it even better? Remember that your Facebook page cover photo is prime advertising real estate for your business. If you really want it to work for you and translate into sales for your business, make sure to read Part two of this article where you’ll discover all the trade secrets and tips to designing a stunning and Facebook page cover photo. Click here now to find out more!

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