Top 10 Facebook Page Cover Photo Tips, Tricks and Secrets for Success!

Are you looking for some quick tips that will make your Facebook page cover photo more interesting, eye-catching and engaging? Let us help you. This must-read article is the only Facebook page cover photo guide that you’ll ever need as it is chalked full of tips, tricks and hints to really get your Facebook page working for your business. Find out how you can make the most our of this prime visual real estate and how you can use your Facebook page cover photo to capture your audience and increase sales.

This is part two in our Facebook page cover photo series. For those of you that missed it, the first part of this series covered how to set up your Facebook page cover photo in just 4 easy steps using Photoshop. To read that article, click here now. If you already have the barebones of your Facebook page cover photo set up in Photoshop, then this article below is for you. We are going to let you in on some secrets and give you some special tips to help your business succeed. Want to learn how to create an outstanding Facebook page cover photo for your business? Here’s how.

Keep your content visible

This seems intuitive however you would be amazed at how many businesses make this mistake. Make the most out of this free advertising space and do not hide any content under your profile picture or your headshot. When you are designing your Facebook page cover photo, keep in mind that your profile picture will appear on the bottom left side AND two buttons will appear on the bottom right side. A skilled photo editor can help you ensure your design is optimized for this layout. Don’t put your company’s logo or anything else important in these spaces. Ensure that all of your important content is clearly visible and do not design anything in these areas. How would you like it if you designed this awesome billboard and then right away, someone went and blocked out part of it? Don’t let this happen to you.

Imagery is key

You can use text in your Facebook page cover photo however, we recommend that you keep it to a minimum. No more than 20% of your image should be type. Remember that you are trying to quickly capture your audience’s attention so that they want to find out more. You are most likely to succeed at this by using creative and captivating images rather than lengthy, wordy text.

Be original while still promoting your brand

Branding is vital to the success of your business. Don’t lose sight of this when you are creating your Facebook page cover photo. Be creative and unique yet still maintain brand cohesion. Make sure that you logo is plainly visible to your customers and stick to your brand’s imagery and color scheme.

Have a clear focus to your image

Choose a simple, good quality image where there is only one area of activity and focus. This is an excellent technique that will instantly capture and draw in the attention of your customers. Instead of scattering pieces of information all over your Facebook page cover photo, choose one meaningful area of your image and let the focus be on that. Your customer’s attention will be instantly captured and they will appreciate you being clear and concise in your message.

Create a balanced design

Remember that your profile picture will appear on the left side of your Facebook page cover photo. This can make one side of your Facebook page cover photo seem heavy. Consider adding right-aligned elements to your Facebook page cover photo in order to establish balance in your design.

Design with mobile-users in mind

More and more people these days are checking their Facebook account with their phones. Many are even doing away with their conventional computers and choosing instead to rely only on their mobile device. When you’re creating your Facebook page cover photo, keep this trend in mind. Make sure that your Facebook page cover photo looks good on both desktop computers and mobile phones. It is important to note that the profile picture is centered on mobile phones while it appears to the left on computers screens.

Don’t forget a link

Don’t forget to add a link to your Facebook page cover photo description. This is a very easy way to drive customers from Facebook to your website. Unfortunately, it is often forgotten or overlooked and millions of potential sales are lost. Remember that your Facebook page cover photo is public so anyone that views your cover photo can be easily redirected to your website by simply adding a shortened link to your Facebook page cover photo description.

Make it dynamic

Your Facebook page cover photo is a great location for new products announcements and promotions because of its size and prominence. This might entail a little bit more work on your end but by changing up your Facebook page cover photo every now and then, you will be truly maximizing this free advertising space. Announce new products or promote an upcoming event. This will keep your Facebook page fresh, new and exciting for your customers.

Expert tip: Change your Facebook page cover photo to match the seasons and according to holidays. This will boost potential sales during the holiday seasons while also showing your customers that your page is current and updated regularly.

Cover photo-Profile picture fusion

This technique is very trendy at the moment and I can easily see why. By making the two elements become one, you will increase the overall visual appeal of your Facebook page. Use this technique to give your Facebook page a polished look that will wow your customers and keep them begging for more.

Collage appeal

This technique is also very trendy right now. Although it seems to directly contradict Tip#4 (have a clear focus to your image), a collage can have a big impact if done skillfully. If, for example, you sell several different types of products or you offer many different types of services, this may be a good technique for your business. A pic collage can be effective at grabbing your customer’s attention while creatively displaying the many products or services that your company has to offer.

Here are some Facebook page cover photos that we think are very effective at using some of the techniques discussed above:

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