Creative Inspiration: 15 Cool and Inventive Business Card Designs

Business Card Designs

Your company’s business card plays a vital role in your business. Not only do your business cards hold your contact information but they are also that very important and lasting first impression. Have you ever gone to a party or social gathering and someone has handed you their business card? How often have you just given that business card a quick glance before quickly sliding it into your pocket? Do you remember that persons name or their business? Did you ever call them? Did you happen to find their business card buried in your digital wallet months later?

I can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me. If you really want to make a good first impression with a client, your business card needs to be attractive and unique. It needs to be something that instantly grabs their eye and makes them notice. Today, our world is so jam packed full of stimulus that if your business cards are too boring, they will likely go unnoticed by the person that you are trying to do business with. What good is that really? If that is the case, why bother even having business cards at all?

Here are 15 cool and creative business cards designs. I found all of these business cards as I searched through some of my favorite sites on the web. I hope that they inspire you and motivate you. The next time that you have to create a business card for yourself or a new client, try to step out of your norms and invent a new and eye-popping design that will get noticed.

Design & Color Business Cards by Anagrama

Anagrama business cards

Wooden Business Cards: EB Carpentry & Build

EB Carpentry business card

Turf Business Cards: Brothers Landscaping

turf business card

Believe Ice Breaker business cards


Piano Key Business cards: Sandra Boïls

sandr boils business card

Tent Business Cards: Hot Tomali Communications

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Stand & Presentation Board Business cards: STRIK Creative Concept Control

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Bumper Business Cards: Hip Baby

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Envelop Business Card: Lush Lawn and Property Enhancement

lush business cards

Storage Business Cards: Xtra Space

xtra space

Bentply Business Card By Richard C. Evans

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Cheese Grater Business Card

Cheese grater business card

Mini Yoga Mat Business Card

mini yoga mat business card

Massage Therapist Business card: Derek Royer

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Light bulb Business cards: Prisma

prisma business card

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