Editorial Beauties: Mister and Missus

Design Editorial

Being a huge fan of books as I am I can't help but talk about cool findings like this one. Experimental editions are always a nice treat and I wish I could get my hands on this new pair of books that are literally connected. Mrs Bridge and Mr Bridge are two paired books written by Evan S. Connell that narrates both sides of a complicated marriage. For this edition, Penguin decided to take the gun outs and go experimental with the edition, creating an alternate hardcover version that puts a twist on regular books.

Giving the nature of the book, the concept plays with the connection between both sides of the story which is translated into interlocking books. Heatherwick Studio is the agency in charge of this particular edition that might not look like the most practical book to keep in your shelf but still makes for a great novelty item. The interior design could have been affected by this strange construction but it looks like it actually works well, using the gap of the cut-out as an active design element of the layout.


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