Greenpeace Unveils New Bp Logo: 'Tell Bp Where to Stick It'

Logo & Brand review

After three months of submissions from international designers and non-designers alike, Greenpeace has finally chosen a winner. As most of you probably already know, Greenpeace recently launched an international competition where they asked anyone and everyone to redesign BP’s logo so that it more accurately conveyed BP’s general lack of concern with the impact of their actions on the environment. Two thousand submissions and 25,000 votes later, Greenpeace has finally announced the contest winners.

Best Rebranded Logo by Popular Choice

Laurent Hunziker of Paris, France is the winner of the Best Rebranded Logo by Popular Choice. When asked to speak about from where he had drawn his inspiration, Laurent said that "the silhouette shape comes from a very moving picture I saw of this poor bird in panic, glued in oil... His agony is a strong reflection of what is happening to our world with these tragic events. Placed in front of the BP logo, and it all looks like a fatal sunset for us..." Here is his winning logo design:

Best Rebranded Logo - Popular Choice by Laurent Hunziker

I really like Laurent’s logo redesign. Tragic images of oil soaked animals are some of the most shocking and memorable images that come out of such disasters and I love that he has incorporated this into his logo redesign. His logo is both powerful and poignant. I think that it is a great representation of what can come out of carelessness and I hope that it inspires us all to keep putting much needed pressure on BP. What do you think of Laurent’s winning logo design?

Best Rebranded Logo - Judges' Choice

Alexander Hettich of Nuremberg, Germany won the Best Rebranded Logo – Judges’ Choice. Here is his winning logo design:

Rebranded BP Logo- Judges Choice by Alexander Hettich
The judges chose this design because they felt that it was “simple, clear and effective. It instantly shows what's really beneath BP's superficial green sunflower - the risky pursuit of every last drop of oil, which has resulted in one of the biggest environmental disasters in US history.” I can definitely see why the judges liked this logo design however, I have to side with the general public on this one and say that overall, I think that Laurent’s logo design is more compelling and effective.

Best Illustrated Logo

Brian David Braun and Tara Tomlinson of Sarasota, Florida won for the Best Illustrated Logo. Here is their design:

Best Rebranded BP Logo Illustrated by Brian David Braun and Tara Tomlinson

I really like Braun and Tomlinson's illustrative logo design. I think that it is extremely moving and very telling of what is to come for Florida's coastline. It really helps to hammer home the impact that this disaster is going to have on us all. Most people associate the beach with beauty and serenity. By touching on these natural feelings invoked by this image of a beautiful woman emerging from the water, this image helps to humanize the problem and personalizes the issue for everyone.

Greenpeace is asking everyone to help them spread Laurent's winning logo redesign around the world. They have asked that people put it as their profile picture on Facebook and that everyone stick stickers of the logo redesign anywhere in their every day life. They are encouraging  everyone to be as creative as they can be and for people to send in their pictures of where they’ have put this new BP logo redesign so that they can put them up on their website.

Click here to go to the Greenpeace UK website where you can find stickers of Laurent's logo redesign that you can print off.

Click here to join Greenpeace UK’s Facebook group

Click here to visit Greenpeace’s Flickr page

Please help in anyway that you can. Together, we can inspire change.

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