Logo Design Tips To Help Boost Your Business Marketing

Perhaps one of the most obvious flaws in humans is our tendency to judge objects and people based on their outward appearances—”what you see is what you get" in its simplest term. However, we surely have taken advantage of this trait by tailoring how our brand and business looks in the eyes of our customers or clients. One way we have evolved is through creating logos that best represent our business and in a strategic form of planning, we have also used it to best market our business. So how does one design a logo that can effectively market your business? Well, we sure have rounded up the right tips on how to do just that.


Why a logo is important

If you're not inquisitive, you may not realize how a business' logo can alter perceptions of your business. A logo is more than just part of a business' design, it is also its graphical representation and manifestation in one single design that should be memorable for its target market. A well-designed logo is a crucial component of an effective marketing strategy. Here are some key design tips for designing an effective logo that can boost your business' marketing:


  1. Determine your target market

When it comes to designing your logo, determining your target market is important in coming up with a vibe that best represents it. A logo will not sit well with all people, however, it should leave a great impact on your target audience. One easy way of determining your target market is by answering these questions:


  • How old is your audience?

  • What elements are they mostly attracted to?

  • What generation do they belong to?

  • What kind of lifestyle do they live?

  • Is there a way for you to expand your target market?


By answering these questions, you will be able to narrow down the thousands of possible elements you could incorporate into your logo. For example, if you are planning to sell apple juice to kids, then your logo should be a fun drawing of an apple, with bright colors, and a graphic design that is basically recognizable among the kids.


  1. Find elements that best represent your brand

Every design element that you incorporate in your logo should best represent your business and this will involve the different shapes, sizes, images, emblems, and colors.


Here's an example to guide you through it: edges and straight lines will represent a corporate business, whereas curved shapes will represent a creative brand.


  1. Use a unique but simple typeface

Almost all of the recognizable brands use the simplest typeface for easy recognition among their audiences. Think of McDonald's, FedEx, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Facebook, and Twitter—all of them use a simple typeface that is not too complicated or cursive, however, it still manages to look unique for its logo.

For example, the cursive typeface used by Disney is only befitting towards its brand since they are selling fantasy. Whereas in toy companies, it is only fitting if they use a typeface that is creative and in a handwritten style with thick letters.


  1. Make sure it is a versatile design

An effective logo should fit in any place, whether big or small, without losing a sense of its proportion or any of its design elements that best represent your business. Think of creating a logo that looks good on a tag, on a card, and even when blasted on a billboard.



  1. Create a logo that looks good on both colored and grayscale

It is perhaps one of the most important rules in creating effective and marketable logo that it should look good both in color and when in grayscale. Not only that, it should also be recognizable whether with colors or lack thereof as this will only increase the visibility of the brand itself.


The Don'ts

While we have discussed the key design tips in guaranteeing an effective logo for your business marketing, here are some tips on what you shouldn't do for your logo:


  • Don't assign the creation of the logo to an amateur - learn to invest in a professional who has designed logo designs for several clients before you.

  • Don't ride with the trends - because that's what they are—mere trends. They are bound to be changed by a new fad overtime, therefore, defeating the purpose of creating a classic and timeless logo.

  • Don't follow the cliche - if your business is a coffee shop, your initial idea might include involving a coffee bean somewhere in the design—but don't do that. See how Starbucks used a mermaid? What’s an unlikely element for their coffee business, has ultimately been deemed effective.


In creating a logo, it should best encapsulate your brand while marketing it effectively at the same time. If you would like to have a good logo for your business, you can click here for more details.


Melissa Turner

Melissa Turner is an aspiring
web designer who has been working hard on developing her skills. She enjoys creating websites and in her spare time she loves to walk along the beach with her dog. She's currently working on her next big piece.

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