Twitter gets a new bird

Logo & Brand review

With over 160 million users worldwide, Twitter is quickly becoming a staple in the social media marketing world. Changing the way that we think and share information, Twitter is a place where users can discover what’s new and happening in the world. With regular users firing off more than 90 million tweets per day, Twitter has finally succumbed to user demands and on Tuesday, revealed a new logo and a new look to provide its users with a faster and richer experience.

The old Twitter logo was a mishmash of bubbly, childlike letters cast in an overbearing, Web 2.0 gradient. Twitters new logo is sleek, simple and poignant. While keeping Twitters recognizable typeface, the new logo has lost its outer bubbles and it sports a new simplified bird silhouette.

New Twitter Logo Design

Personally, I was never particularly attached to the original Twitter logo. I found the typography to be too peppy, playful and rounded.  I am happy that they have finally decided to remove some of its excess as well as the overly used and distracting gradient overlay. The new bird silhouette is also a welcome change. I love its simplicity and I think that it will be easily accepted by the entire Twitter community.

The new Twitter logo comes with a new Twitter website design which includes a much cleaner time line with an added sliding details pane which allows users more content possibilities such as embedded videos and images.

“A new bird, a new experience, a new starts rolling out today” announced Twitters co-founder Evan Williams at the press conference on Tuesday. “It is an easier and richer experience, and a better way to discover what is new in your world”.

Check out this new video put out by Twitter in order to promote their new changes:

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