Typographic love: modified fonts

Design & Style

We've already featured a remarkable amount of typographic posts in the past weeks but I think there's not enough appreciation in the world for great type design work. This time I'd like to refer to the work involving type and art, a mix that results in amazing work. Thanks to the behance network I've encountered this 2 examples that are completely brilliant. The first one is called 'B Type' and it's basically a serif type that's been overlapped with abstract and colourful painted squares to be cut out. A pretty basic idea but in the end it looks pretty cool:

The next project I'd like to mention is Mixel Typography, a hand drawn font that was made using the free iPad app Mixel which allows to make collages. The resulting type is a rich and colourful set of letters composed by various elements and according to its author (Senongo Apkem) he tried to use as many images possible but trying to keep a cohesiveness to the whole set.


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