Typographic Love: Wooden Letterpress Calendar

Design & Style

I know we're almost 4 moths into the year (seriously?? when did that happen?) but this finding is just too good to pass- and best of all, it doesn't expire by the end of the year. It's a wooden letterpress calendar that is adjustable for any month made by Pavel Emelyanov. It has typesetting fields of year, month and days. You just have to do the changes once a month by assembling the days field into a grid for this purpose. Contour letters of the calendar makes its full name, second stroke sets aside for year and month, third stroke contains days’ names. The combination of typefaces is amazing, there are numerous combinations you can do with type and numbers, and how much fun would it be to have it in your house, even just for playing around (because I would probably forget about the calendar a few months in). Still, it's awesome and I wish I could get one myself. And besides the design aspect for the showcase of this work is also really great, matching up the craftsmanship behind the calendar in this raw-old school style.

The Letterpress Wooden Calendar Without Expiry from Pavel Emelyanov on Vimeo.

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