What are the most viewed brand logos today?

Design & Style

A study has been released that gives us some of the logo stats that we have always wanted. This study gives us some valuable clues as to which popular logos have the greatest influence on us.  Commissioned by MyVoucherCodes.ca.uk, the study asked 1,654 participants “which logo do you see the most during an average day?” and “how often do you see each of the following logos on a daily basis?”

The results show that Google is far ahead of the pack. The Google logo is presently the most viewed logo with 47% of the studies participants claiming that Google was either set as their homepage or the first page that they went to upon launching the browser of their choice. The majority of these participants reported that they saw the Google logo over 50 times a day. Participants claimed to be using Google mostly for searches and as a spell-checking tool.

Microsoft and Facebook take up the number two and three spots with 15% and 11% of participants saying that these were their most viewed logos.

This is their list of the top ten most viewed logos:

1.         Google - 34%
2.        Microsoft - 15%
3.        Facebook - 11%
4.        Apple - 9%
5.        Coca Cola - 8%
6.        BBC - 7%
7.        Sony -5%
8.        Sky - 4%
9.        Twitter - 3%
10.      Blackberry -2%

These results come as no real surprise to me. Google has become such a household name these days that ‘google’ has even been added as a verb to the Oxford English dictionary. I, for one, definitely use it at least 30 times a day, if not a lot more. Google just seems to be everywhere and it is such a valuable tool. I too use it for all of my searches and spell-checking as well as for their calendar, webmaster and Google translate tools. I just don’t see this changing anytime soon.

I’m also not surprised that Microsoft and Apple are up there are well. With our constant use of and reliance on computers, of course these two brands are constantly battling for our attention and thus, doing everything that they can to thrust their logo designs into the limelight.

Facebook and Twitter both made the top ten as well clearly demonstrating the increasing popularity of social media networks in our every day lives. I would expect to see Twitter move up over the next few years.

This is a study conducted amongst British citizens. I wonder how Canadians and American’s differ? I suspect that the top 5 most viewed logos would be the same as it was for the Brits. I would be very interested in finding out who would fill the 5-10 spots. Surprisingly enough, there are no fast food chains in the top ten. I hate to say it but I think that at the very least McDonald's would find itself among this top ten in North America.

The study results published in the above article were found here.

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