Will Miracle Whip's New Logo and Campaign Work?

Logo & Brand review

Miracle Whip has been making some bold changes lately. In an attempt to boost the popularity of their brand, Miracle Whip has launched a new marketing campaign targeted at 18-35 year olds. They have been pulling out all the stops. From product placement in Lady Gaga’s new music video “Telephone” to funky commercials boasting their slogan “we will not tone it down”, Miracle Whip is rebranding itself as a hip and delicious alternative to mayonnaise for generation-Y.

Justin Parnell, Miracle Whip’s brand Manager, commented on Miracle Whip and generation-Y by saying that "A lot of those consumers grew up with the brand and loved it in their childhood. However, it's fallen off their radar. Our goal is to get the brand back front and center in their lives."

Miracle Whips new marketing strategy includes a new logo design and packaging. Designed by Turner Duckworth in San Francisco, Miracle Whip’s new logo emphasizes the ‘M’ and ‘W’ in Miracle Whip. Looking much like the design that you might make on a slice of bread, this new logo design has a fun, light and young feel to it. The new logo design and packaging will hopefully help Miracle Whip stand out on your grocer’s shelves.

Here is the new Miracle Whip logo design:

Miracle whip new logo design

I don’t like this new Miracle Whip logo design. I don’t like how young it feels, it don’t like how the ‘M’ and ‘W’ flow into each other and I don’t like the drippy typography that they chose to use. Just looking at it gives me a really gooey and yucky feeling. The logo design actually makes me more grossed out by Miracle Whip than anything else. It is a younger, simpler logo design however, I think they really missed the boat on this on this one.

I am really quite surprised that Miracle Whip actually decided to change their logo design once again. Miracle Whip had just revamped their logo design and product label a little over a year ago when they took their classic label and changed it to the more simplified and retro label pictured below. Personally, I think that this logo design was much better and that they should have stuck with it.

Miracle whip old logo design

What do you think?

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