Creating 3D Nike Logo

Important Note: This project was not commissioned by Nike Inc.

Nike's logo is probably the most recognizable icon out there; Nike's logo recognizability is unparalleled when it comes to sports brands. The icon is so perfect that we doubt that anytime in the future it will be changed. Almost all logos go through changes and enhancement, but not Nike's logo. The Typography changes depending on the brand's needs, but not the Nike swoosh icon. It is as perfect and complete as it gets.

Since the Nike logo cannot be changed, we wanted to see our version or our vision of seeing Nike's logo. No, we were not asked or commissioned by Nike. This project is a study, an experiment, and a demonstration by us on creating a 3D version of a Nike logo.

Our first step was to see what was already created, we did a quick search on Google, and the results are mostly this type of flat Nike logo, extruded to look like 3D.

 Nike Logos 

Nike Logo extruded
The problem with just extruding a logo in most cases is that it creates flat sides and a flat face like shown above. We did not like this solution at all. This shape does not ring true to its original intended form, if the logo starts at a sharp point and ends at a sharp point, then why does it have flat edges. 

Electric Blue 3D Nike logo by Pixellogo

Important Note: This project was not commissioned by Nike Inc.
We imagine Nike a logo like a paint or a cream that's squeezed out of a tube, like a smooth soft shape, and sharp-pointed ends and laid out to its final shape. Our first job was to model the form just the way we have in mind. The example below is we believe the most natural way this logo should be created in 3D.


This render is high gloss electric blue. We kept the Studio lighting to a minimum only with as few reflective lights as possible to highlight the beautiful contour of the 3D Nike Logo. The only place there are sharp edges where the logo starts and ends. Everywhere else, it's smooth and polished to perfection. The final render looks like a piece of jewelry.


Chrome 3D Nike Logo
Once we were satisfied with the final form, we started testing in different materials. Here is a studio lighting chrome finish. Our aim was not to have too many reflective objects or lights on the model, so the Nike 3D logo shape is not distracted. 


Silver 3D Nike Logo

In these examples, we wanted to apply a bit of pattern as a texture. Nike uses all sorts of exciting and exotic colors, textures, and patterns, so we wanted to apply them to the  3D Nike logo to see what the results look like. The results looked maginificent.


3D gold Nike Logo with texture by Pixellogo


Orange and silver 3D Nike Logo
We have always loved the different materials and textures that they make their products with, so we wanted to mix it up a little to see we can apply to the logo shape without disturbing the flow of of the shape of the logo.
White and Silver 3D Nike Logo


White and Black Rubber 3D Nike Logo

 Nike 3D logo

Hot Orange and chrome 3D Nike Logo


If you are looking to make your logo in 3D, please have have a look at our past projects and contact us.





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