Apple Watch Review: How bad do you want it?

Industry News

Apple made a bold new announcement last week that is making headlines around the world. They are expanding their current product line with the introduction of an Apple Watch whose release has been rumored for the few months. Yes!!! I can’t believe that Apple is finally entering the watch market. As with everything that they have done thus far, I expect big changes to this age-old industry now that Apple is on the hunt for market share and success.

Of course, Apple always has to come out with a huge bang and they have done just that with this new Apple Watch. It is a new and revolutionary watch that is said to “redefine what people expect from a watch.” 

Apple iPhone & Apple Watch Apple iPhone & Apple Watch

In their announcement, they start off simple by talking about how the Apple Watch will come in three distinct styles and a variety of different straps so that you will have the perfect watch personalized for you and your tastes. And then, they really get down to business as they describe their new and revolutionary Digital Crown, which allows you to scroll, zoom and select without obstructing the display. It becomes obvious quite quickly that the new Apple Watch isn’t just merely a new pretty watch anymore. This is truly something else. Apple has combined their cutting-edge technologies into a small, wearable wristwatch display. Awesome!! The Apple Watch not only keeps incredibly precise time but it is also the newest in mini-computers. It has a built-in gyroscope, accelerometer and a heart rate sensor making it a great resource for fitness and health freaks. It also comes with the voice-activated Siri assistant as well as already installed Maps and Photos applications. Apple has even released a WatchKit for developers so that developers can start making new apps for the Apple Watch right away. Wow!

“Our goal has always been to make powerful technology more accessible. More relevant. And ultimately more personal. Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the relationship people have with technology. It’s the most personal product we’ve ever made, because it’s the first one designed to be worn.”

Many cool apps are available for the Apple Watch Many cool apps are available for the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch will go on sale next year for $349. Personally, I can’t wait to get one. I have always worn a watch and I love the idea that soon my watch will be my newest favorite gadget. I can connect with friends, use my favorite apps, track my health and so much more. I think that this new invention is going to change the way that we see watches and what we expect from the whole watch industry in general. Just as the iPhone revolutionized cell phones, I think that the Apple Watch will do the same for the watch industry. Some of the leading watch brands in the world such as Swatch have been quoted this week saying that they don’t see the new Apple Watch as a threat to their business. This is dangerous and I think that these companies are terribly wrong. My advice to them is to watch out and start changing now. It seems that these days anything that Apple touches is an instant favorite. If other watch brands don’t pay heed to this new Apple invention, they run the risk of becoming obsolete. It’s only a matter of time.

Apple Watch helps you to stay connected Apple Watch helps you to stay connected

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