Cool Findings: A Creative Catharsis

Design & Style

Any professional in the creative field has probably ran into some frustrating clients and situations alike, it's something that just comes with the job. I mean, just take a quick look at the brilliant Clients from hell (warning, you might end up wasting a lot of hours between being baffled and hilariously amused by some of those stories) and you will see that absurd feedback is something not rare at all. Dealing with these situations is an acquired skill, a skill that's build upon lots and lots of patience.

Well, Ireland's creative community has found a way to channel all this frustration into a productive and charitable way in the form of an exhibition that features the work of ad creatives, designers, animators, directors and illustrators. They've all taken some of their favorite responses and turned them into A3 posters with said quotes in the most diverse styles. All the profits are going in aid of Temple Street Children's Hospital, a remarkable cause that comes off some frustrating experiences. Have you had any responses like these ones before? I know a couple of them sound a bit too familiar.

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