Cool Findings: Typographic Superheroes

Design & Style

Keeping up with typographic beauties, here's the work of American designer and typography lover Matthew Olin. This particular project combines two of the biggest trends we've seen lately: Superhero Typographic Classifications. His particular view on these elements come in a very original manner though, instead of just focusing in the visual aspect of the illustrations he also adds some depth to the pieces by relating each font style to the characteristic that's most associated with the superheroes. Olin himself describes the project as following:

The most distinguishing factor of any font is its characters. Hidden beneath these characters, each typeface also has character—its own unique characteristics. However classified this information may seem, when used correctly, typefaces often speak to us more powerfully than the words that are written with them.

The association of each typeface style with the superheroes is quite brilliant, for example the sans serif is related to Batman given it's assertive and efficient characteristics. Every illustration features the character that's composed by letters and symbols of the corresponding font style with a short description of how both come together. Awesome work!

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