Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Free Fonts

6 Fabulous Free Fonts for your Collection

Free Fonts

Today is another Friday font giveaway.... yeah! Below are some of the latest new fantastic free fonts that I have found on the web. Click on the images to download the fonts that you like. If you use one of these fabulous fonts in one of your designs, include a link to your work in the comment section below so that some of our other readers can have a look at the fonts in action. Enjoy!

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7 Spectacular Experimental Fonts

Free Fonts

The Web is an endless source of information and entertainment. It is filled with magnificent fonts, excellent tutorials and all kinds of free giveaways. I love trolling the depths of the Web and looking for anything and everything that is new. Each week, I love especially looking for the best new typefaces being released. Type designers are very skilled craftsmen and I love to give them the exposure that I think that they deserve. This week in particular, I found some truly phenomenal new typefaces. Here they all are for FREE. Simply click on the images to download the fonts and start using them in your very own designs today.

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8 Stunning Free Fonts

Free Fonts

Fonts and typography are absolutely amazing! I seem never to get bored with all the different and incredible typefaces that I find on the web every week. This past week especially, I feel like I've stumbled upon some real great new free fonts on the web. Here they are... use them in your designs and share them with your friends. These typographers have worked hard to create these marvelous fonts for you. Show them your appreciation by using them to create something beautiful.

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Download these gorgeous Script fonts today!

Free Fonts

Script fonts are so beautiful. They are my favourite font type because they are so simple, ornate and elegant. Paired with a lovely sans-serif font, script fonts really add a nice contrast and that special pop to your design.

There are some really spectacular script fonts that come with every computer. Edwardian Script and Bickham Script, for example, are both fabulous script fonts that can add an incredible accent to your design. Sometimes however, you may want to add something more distinct to your design. Here are a few other wonderful script fonts that you can download on our blog for free. Take a minute to indulge your design desires and savour these fantastic script fonts!

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10 Incredible Novelty Fonts

Free Fonts

Every designer needs to have a decent collection of novelty fonts. Novelty fonts obviously can't be used in every design however, they are often just what you need to add that extra flair to your work. Excellent for headlines, novelty fonts can really help to add personality and radiance to your work.

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